I am creating two users, one is only for mysqldump
to backup my database, another one is to check mysql
connection and galera cluster
I read the privileges
and set my backup user
to have the privileges
of lock tables
by following this post http://bencane.com/2011/12/12/creating-a-read-only-backup-user-for-mysqldump/
as for to check my connections and cluster status, I gave the user privileges
of usage
Are these two privileges
the best for what I want to do too? or I should give me other privileges
Thanks for any advices
Privileges required for mysqldump are answered in this previous Stack Overflow post: Minimum GRANTs needed by mysqldump for dumping a full schema? (TRIGGERs are missing!!)
Since you said you're using Galera Cluster, you might also need to do an SST from time to time using Percona XtraBackup. The privileges required by XtraBackup are different. See https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtrabackup/LATEST/innobackupex/privileges.html