I have a WinForms usercontrol (ZedGraphControl) hosted on a WindowsFormsHost WPF control, placed in a nested Grid. When I attempt to handle Ctrl+Left/Right in the WinForms control code the control looses focus, and focus moves to control in the grid cell to the Left/Right.
What may cause this, and how can the behavior be disabled?
Edit: The behavior is triggered if a DataGrid is in the grid cell to the left or right, with cells displayed that can take focus. Also if a TextBox is there, possibly any control that can take editable focus.
Sounds like something in your WPF universe is intercepting those key combinations and using them to move focus. At first, I thought it might be WPF's built-in directional keyboard navigation, but based on your edits, I think it might be something else.
Whatever is happening, you might be able to prevent it by overriding some keyboard processing behavior in WindowsFormsHost
public class WindowsFormsHostEx : WindowsFormsHost
protected override bool TranslateAcceleratorCore(ref MSG msg, ModifierKeys modifiers)
const int vkLeft = 0x25;
const int vkRight = 0x27;
if (modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control &&
((int)msg.wParam == vkLeft || (int)msg.wParam == vkRight))
var m = Message.Create(msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
this.Child?.WindowTarget?.OnMessage(ref m);
return true;
return base.TranslateAcceleratorCore(ref msg, modifiers);
Based on my tests, this causes the WindowsFormsHostEx
to 'claim' all Ctrl+Left/Right keystrokes when the host has focus. It dispatches them to the hosted WinForms content, with WPF apparently carrying on as if the event never happened.