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Firestore Security Rules - How can I check that a field is/isn't being modified?

For the life of me, I cannot understand why the following is resulting in a false for allowing writes. Assume my users collection is empty to start, and I am writing a document of the following form from my Angular frontend:

  displayName: 'FooBar',
  email: ''

My current security rules:

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /users/{userId} {
      function isAdmin() {
        return == 'ADMIN';

      function isEditingRole() {
        return != null;

      function isEditingOwnRole() {
        return isOwnDocument() && isEditingRole();

      function isOwnDocument() {
        return request.auth.uid == userId;

      allow read: if isOwnDocument() || isAdmin();
      allow write: if !isEditingOwnRole() && (isOwnDocument() || isAdmin());

In general, I want no users to be able to edit their own role. Regular users can edit their own document otherwise, and admins can edit anyone's.

Stubbing isEditingRole() for false gives the expected result, so I've narrowed it down to that expression.

The write keeps coming back false, and I cannot determine why. Any ideas or fixes would be helpful!

Edit 1

Things I've tried:

function isEditingRole() {


function isEditingRole() {
  return 'role' in;


function isEditingRole() {
  return 'role' in;

Edit 2

Note that eventually, admins will set a role for users, so a role could eventually exist on a document. This means that, according to the Firestore docs below, the request will have a role key, even if wasn't in the original request.

Fields not provided in the request which exist in the resource are added to Rules can test whether a field is modified by comparing to knowing that every field in the resource will also be present in request.resource even if it was not submitted in the write request.

According to that, I think the three options from "Edit 1" are ruled out. I did try the suggestion of != and that's not working either... I'm at a loss and am beginning to wonder if there's actually a bug in Firestore.


  • So in the end, it seems I was assuming that == null would return false, when it actually returns an Error (according to this and my tests). So my original solution may have been running into that. This is puzzling because the opposite should work according to the docs, but maybe the docs are referring to a value being "non-existent", rather than the key -- a subtle distinction.

    I still don't have 100% clarity, but this is what I ended up with that worked:

    function isAddingRole() {
      return !('role' in && 'role' in;
    function isChangingRole() {
      return 'role' in && 'role' in && !=;
    function isEditingRole() {
      return isAddingRole() || isChangingRole();

    Another thing that still puzzles me is that, according to the docs, I shouldn't need the && 'role' in part in isChangingRole(), because it should be inserted automatically by Firestore. Though this didn't seem to be the case, as removing it causes my write to fail for permissions issues.

    It could likely be clarified/improved by breaking the write out into the create, update, and delete parts, instead of just allow write: if !isEditingOwnRole() && (isOwnDocument() || isAdmin());.