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Creating Neutral network for line detection - is it possible?

So I want to detect lines on grayscale images. I have a lot of data 9x9 matrices of pixel ints 1 to 256 and 1*4 matrices of ponnts coords X ,Y, X,Y We have 1 line per 9x9 image or non lines. So what structure should have my NN?


  • Assuming that you're using the most common variety of neural networks, multillayer perceptrons, you'll have exactly as many input nodes as there are features.

    The inputs may include transformed variables, in addition to the raw variables. The number of hidden nodes is selected by you, but you should have enough to permit the neural network to adequately make the mapping.

    The number of output nodes will be determined by the number of classes and the representation you choose. Assuming two classes ("line", "not line" seems likely), you may use 1 output node, which indicates the estimated probability of one class (the probability of the remaining class being 1 minus the probability of the first class).