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Set the Video Codec to H.264 when using an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput instance? Xamarin

Need help setting the video codec to H.264 when using an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput instance.

Looking at the Apple Docs I see that they support a struct of type AVVideoCodecType, however, I'm not seeing this in the Xamarin.iOS Docs.

Help would be much appreciated as I don't want to have to rewrite the Video Capture logic to use AVAssetWriter.


  • So, I found the solution and here it is for those who come after me.

    Step 1: Create a AVCaptureMovieFileOutput instance.

    var output = new AVCaptureMovieFileOutput();

    Step 2: Create a NSDictionary where you list the keys and values of the Movie's Output settings you want.

    var outputSettings = new NSDictionary(AVVideoCodecType.H264, AVVideo.CodecKey);

    Step 3: Set the output Settings

    output.SetOutputSettings(outputSettings, output.ConnectionFromMediaType(AVMediaType.Video))

    The trick here is to call ConnectionFromMediaType Method passing in the MediaType on your AVCaptureMovieFileOutput instance which returns an AVCaptureConnection.