Im having some difficulties with openBottomSheet
This is my HTML:
<md-button aria-label="Open Settings" ng-click="openBottomSheet($event)">
<ng-md-icon icon="more_vert"></ng-md-icon>
This opens the openBottomSheet inside my controller that looks like this:
$scope.openBottomSheet = function() {
template: '<md-bottom-sheet>' +
'Hello! <md-button ng-click="closeBottomSheet()">Close</md-button>' +
// Fires when the hide() method is used
.then(function() {
console.log('You clicked the button to close the bottom sheet!');
// Fires when the cancel() method is used
.catch(function() {
console.log('You hit escape or clicked the backdrop to close.');
$scope.closeBottomSheet = function($scope, $mdBottomSheet) {
This is based on the documentation, so why cannot i get it to work in my project?
Controller injection:
.controller('containerCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$http', '_', '$q', '$state', '$mdBottomSheet','$mdSidenav', function ($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $http, $q, $state,$mdBottomSheet,$mdSidenav) {
This is my error:
main.min.js:3 TypeError: is not a function
`` is this line in controller: `${` (minified version)
Remove the -
in the controller injection. Both string array injection and service injection should be equal and same order.
.controller('containerCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$http', '$q', '$state', '$mdBottomSheet','$mdSidenav',
function ($scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $http, $q, $state,$mdBottomSheet,$mdSidenav) {