I would like my app to show a Login page, then a MasterDetail page with a 'hamburger' menu. On the hamburger menu I want a Log Out entry that closes the Master Detail and shows the Login page again. I have all but the log out part working.
I have copied code from the MvvmCross Playgrounds sample, specifically the MixedNavFirstPage (which fakes a login procedure), MixedNavMasterDetailPage (the 'hamburger menu'), and MixedNavMasterRootContentPage.
If I try to close the MixedNavMasterDetailPage with await _navigationService.Close(this)
then I get a null reference exception in MvxFormsPagePresenter.CloseMasterDetailPage()
This question How to Exit (or Navigate out of )a MasterDetail page to a simple ContentPage in Xamarin. Forms? covers what I want to do in straight Xamarin.Forms, I'm just not sure how to do the equivalent in MvvmCross.
In your LoginPage
add the MvxContentPagePresentation
attribute NoHistory = true
Then simply navigate to the login page, and when the user has logged in, navigate to your MasterDetail page also with NoHistory = true
When the user logs out again, simply navigate to your LoginPage
, and as the NoHistory = true
the MasterDetail will be removed completely.
[MvxContentPagePresentation(WrapInNavigationPage = false, NoHistory = true)]
public partial class LoginPage : MvxContentPage<LoginViewModel>
public LoginPage()