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Google VR how to perform selection with daydream controller

Following is my case

  • I have a rectangle with left=0,right=1824,top=0,bottom=989 with aspect ratio 1.84f, with uniform z axis = -3f
  • In that rectangle, I have small rectangles with width and height of 344 and 182. I arrange those small rectangles in the 3 rows and 3 columns similar to a grid gallery.
  • I did some modification in the orthographic projection without changing the z axis such that the new rectangle will be in range -1,84 to 1.84 in x axis and 1 to -1 in y axis and all the small rectangles lie in those range
  • Then to render those rectangles on VR, I simply applied

    view = perspective ( z near 0.1f, far 100 f) * eye.getEyeVew model = Orthographic transformation to come in range ( -1.84f to 1.84 f : X , 1 to 1f :Y ) modelview = view * model

  • To emulate the controller, I used a simple circle with ( centerX=0, centerY=0, radius =0.04f, zaxis = -3f)

  • Applied following transformation to the circle with controller rotation matrix ([]))

    view = perspective ( z near 0.1f, far 100 f) * eye.getEyeVew controllerMatrix = controller.toRotationMatrix modelView = view * controllerMatrix

My assumption was following,

  • Since, I was drawing the 3D planes with uniform Z values, I can consider them as a 2D plane for selection.
  • I assumed that the circle 2D coordinate ( left,top,right,bottom) can be used to check with the plane 2D coordinate ( left,top,right,bottom) and see whether the circle falls in the the plane or not.
  • But due to the perspective & eye.getEyeView transformation, the z axis of both the circle and plane changes.

So, my question is for this purpose should I go for RayCasting or there is a simple solution for selecting the small rectangles with VR controller. I am using GVR controller ( Google VR version 1.80.0 ) and using Android for app development.

Thank you


  • The Google VR SDK comes with some useful example projects which demonstrate how to achieve this. If you inspect the Treasure Hunt project, the TreasureHuntActivity class has a method isLookingAtObject():

    private boolean isLookingAtObject() {
        // Convert object space to camera space. Use the headView from onNewFrame.
        Matrix.multiplyMM(modelView, 0, headView, 0, modelCube, 0);
        Matrix.multiplyMV(tempPosition, 0, modelView, 0, POS_MATRIX_MULTIPLY_VEC, 0);
        float pitch = (float) Math.atan2(tempPosition[1], -tempPosition[2]);
        float yaw = (float) Math.atan2(tempPosition[0], -tempPosition[2]);
        return Math.abs(pitch) < PITCH_LIMIT && Math.abs(yaw) < YAW_LIMIT;

    This will calculate the angle between the vector in the direction of the cameras line of sight and modelCube matrix. The modelCube matrix is a 4x4 matrix defining the scale, rotation and translation for the centre point of an object in the 3D scene. In your case this will be the centre point of the rectangle in 3D space.

    You must also calculate the angles where the vector that defines the pointing direction of the camera intersects the rectangle. This is depicted in the following diagram:

    enter image description here

    Here the origin is your camera position, the point C is the centroid of the rectangle rendered in 3D space and the vector OC is the direction vector your camera is pointing in when it is focused directly on the centre of the rectangle. Ꝋ is the angle from the X-axis to the point C in the X-Z plane. Points P1-4 are are vertices of your rectangle in 3D space.

    The pitch ɸ is defined in the following diagram:

    enter image description here

    Here ɸ is the angle from the centre point C to the new axis e.

    The PITCH_LIMIT is the angle in the Y-e plane between two vectors. the vector from the camera position to the bottom edge of the bounding box of the object and the vector from the camera position to the upper edge of the bounding box of the object. In this case it can be calculated as either the angle between OP3 and OP4 or the angle between OP2 and OP1. This is depicted in the following 2D cross section:

    enter image description here

    Assume that the camera is looking directly at the rectangle, this limit defines how much the camera must be tilted up before the centre of the camera is no longer pointing directly at the rectangle.

    The YAW_LIMIT is the angle in the X-Z plane between two vectors, the vector from the camera position to the left-most edge of the bounding box of the object, and the vector from the camera position to the right-most edge of the bounding box of the object. In this case it can be calculated as either the angle between OP1 and OP4 or the angle between OP2 and OP3. This is depicted in the following 2D cross section:

    enter image description here

    Likewise, this limit defines how much the camera can be rotated left or right before the centre of the camera is no longer pointing directly at the rectangle.

    Note that the YAW_LIMIT and PITCH_LIMIT values get smaller if you are further away from the object and larger if you are close. You must calculate these limits for the object that you want to check is being looked at based on the current camera position and edge vertices of the object. The coordinate conversions to get from object space to camera space are handled in the isLookingAtObject() method.