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Send data in multiple ways depending on how you want to send it

I have bunch of keys and values that I want to send to our messaging queue by packing them in one byte array. I will make one byte array of all the keys and values which should always be less than 50K and then send to our messaging queue.

Packet class:

public final class Packet implements Closeable {
  private static final int MAX_SIZE = 50000;
  private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 36;

  private final byte dataCenter;
  private final byte recordVersion;
  private final long address;
  private final long addressFrom;
  private final long addressOrigin;
  private final byte recordsPartition;
  private final byte replicated;
  private final ByteBuffer itemBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_SIZE);
  private int pendingItems = 0;

  public Packet(final RecordPartition recordPartition) {
    this.recordsPartition = (byte) recordPartition.getPartition();
    this.dataCenter = Utils.LOCATION.get().datacenter();
    this.recordVersion = 1;
    this.replicated = 0;
    final long packedAddress = new Data().packAddress();
    this.address = packedAddress;
    this.addressFrom = 0L;
    this.addressOrigin = packedAddress;

  private void addHeader(final ByteBuffer buffer, final int items) {

  private void sendData() {
    if (itemBuffer.position() == 0) {
      // no data to be sent
    final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(MAX_SIZE);
    addHeader(buffer, pendingItems);
    SendRecord.getInstance().sendToQueueAsync(address, buffer.array());
    // SendRecord.getInstance().sendToQueueAsync(address, buffer.array());
    // SendRecord.getInstance().sendToQueueSync(address, buffer.array());
    // SendRecord.getInstance().sendToQueueSync(address, buffer.array(), socket);
    pendingItems = 0;

  public void addAndSendJunked(final byte[] key, final byte[] data) {
    if (key.length > 255) {
    final byte keyLength = (byte) key.length;
    final byte dataLength = (byte) data.length;

    final int additionalSize = dataLength + keyLength + 1 + 1 + 8 + 2;
    final int newSize = itemBuffer.position() + additionalSize;
    if (newSize >= (MAX_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE)) {
    if (additionalSize > (MAX_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE)) {
      throw new AppConfigurationException("Size of single item exceeds maximum size");

    final ByteBuffer dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
    final long timestamp = dataLength > 10 ? dataBuffer.getLong(2) : System.currentTimeMillis();
    // data layout
    itemBuffer.put((byte) 0).put(keyLength).put(key).putLong(timestamp).putShort(dataLength)

  public void close() {
    if (pendingItems > 0) {

Below is the way I am sending data. As of now my design only permits to send data asynchronously by calling sendToQueueAsync method in above sendData() method.

  private void validateAndSend(final RecordPartition partition) {
    final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<DataHolder> dataHolders = dataHoldersByPartition.get(partition);

    final Packet packet = new Packet(partition);

    DataHolder dataHolder;
    while ((dataHolder = dataHolders.poll()) != null) {

Now I need to extend my design so that I can send data in three different ways. It is up to user to decide which way he wants to send data, either "sync" or "async".

  • I need to send data asynchronously by calling sender.sendToQueueAsync method.
  • or I need to send data synchronously by calling sender.sendToQueueSync method.
  • or I need to send data synchronously but on a particular socket by calling sender.sendToQueueSync method. In this case I need to pass socket variable somehow so that sendData knows about this variable.

SendRecord class:

public class SendRecord {
  private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);
  private final Cache<Long, PendingMessage> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000000)

  private static class Holder {
    private static final SendRecord INSTANCE = new SendRecord();

  public static SendRecord getInstance() {
    return Holder.INSTANCE;

  private SendRecord() {
    executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
    }, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  private void handleRetry() {
    List<PendingMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(cache.asMap().values());
    for (PendingMessage message : messages) {
      if (message.hasExpired()) {
        if (message.shouldRetry()) {
        } else {

  // called by multiple threads concurrently
  public boolean sendToQueueAsync(final long address, final byte[] encodedRecords) {
    PendingMessage m = new PendingMessage(address, encodedRecords, true);
    cache.put(address, m);
    return doSendAsync(m);

  // called by above method and also by handleRetry method
  private boolean doSendAsync(final PendingMessage pendingMessage) {
    Optional<SocketHolder> liveSocket = SocketManager.getInstance().getNextSocket();
    ZMsg msg = new ZMsg();
    try {
      // this returns instantly
      return msg.send(liveSocket.get().getSocket());
    } finally {

  // called by send method below
  private boolean doSendAsync(final PendingMessage pendingMessage, final Socket socket) {
    ZMsg msg = new ZMsg();
    try {
      // this returns instantly
      return msg.send(socket);
    } finally {

  // called by multiple threads to send data synchronously without passing socket
  public boolean sendToQueueSync(final long address, final byte[] encodedRecords) {
    PendingMessage m = new PendingMessage(address, encodedRecords, false);
    cache.put(address, m);
    try {
      if (doSendAsync(m)) {
        return m.waitForAck();
      return false;
    } finally {

  // called by a threads to send data synchronously but with socket as the parameter
  public boolean sendToQueueSync(final long address, final byte[] encodedRecords, final Socket socket) {
    PendingMessage m = new PendingMessage(address, encodedRecords, false);
    cache.put(address, m);
    try {
      if (doSendAsync(m, socket)) {
        return m.waitForAck();
      return false;
    } finally {

  public void handleAckReceived(final long address) {
    PendingMessage record = cache.getIfPresent(address);
    if (record != null) {

Callers will only call either of below three methods:

  • sendToQueueAsync by passing two parameters
  • sendToQueueSync by passing two parameters
  • sendToQueueSync by passing three parameters

How should I design my Packet and SendRecord class so that I can tell Packet class that this data needs to be send in either of above three ways to my messaging queue. It is up to user to decide which way he wants to send data to messaging queue. As of now the way my Packet class is structured, it can send data only in one way.


  • I think your best option is the Strategy pattern (

    Using this pattern, you can encapsulate the behaviour of each type of "send", for example, an AsynchronousSend class, a SynchronousSend class and an AsynchronousSocketSend class. (You could probably come up with better names). The Packet class can then decide, based on some logic, which class to use to send the data to the queue.