I have a big 1.2 meteor project which I want to upgrade to latest version of meteor 1.6.
I have two paths to choose from and I am not sure which one to take, I need to know which criteria to consider when making my decision:
1- Try to upgrade website this way: 1.2 -> 1.3 -> 1.4 -> 1.5 -> 1.6 following guidelines mentioned here: https://guide.meteor.com/1.6-migration.html
2- Setup a fresh meteor 1.6 installation, then develop all site functionalities step by step. using reusable code, upgrading good packages, replace no longer maintained packages with more reliable meteor or npm packages.
A meteor expert opinion is highly appreciated !
Going step by step is going to hurt. I would just jump to 1.6 and see what is broken first. Things may still work as they are.
The biggest problem you will face is the new imports
folder that you won't have without doing it manually.
It depends how big your code base is, and what packages you are using. I would be tempted to start again, some code might survive the jump, but it's a good opportunity to refactor the code and make the app better anyway.