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Set request timeout on RXMoyaProvider

I am using Moya with RxSwift and I am trying to set the request timeout for the network call (API Calls) using below code as suggested :

which is including the custom Alamofire Manager when declaring your Provider

lazy var provider: RxMoyaProvider<CAPProviderAPI> = {
    return RxMoyaProvider<CAPProviderAPI>(endpointClosure: Utility.getEndPointClosure(forProviderType: .authorized), manager: DefaultAlamofireManager.sharedManager, plugins: [NetworkActivityPlugin(networkActivityClosure: networkActivityClosure)])

but I am getting an error saying : Use of unresolved identifier 'networkActivityClosure'


  • I would like to share with you the way I did it. It might not answer your question, but it shows the way to achieve the desired behavior using RxSwift operators.

    I have some function which accepts timeout parameter and makes a request:

    func request(timeout: TimeInterval, ...other params) -> Observable<...>

    Inside this function I transform timeout to Observable this way:

    func observableTimeout(timeout: TimeInterval, ...other params) -> Observable<...> {
        return Observable<Int>
            .timer(timeout, period: ..., scheduler: ...)
            .map(to: ...) // map to timeout error

    If the timeout takes place - I need to cancel the request. I have made some flatMapLatest analogue which also accepts a cancel signal:

    public extension Observable {
        public func flatMapLatest<T>(cancel: Observable<T>, factory: @escaping (E) throws -> Observable<T>) -> Observable<T> {
            let observableNormal = self
                .flatMap({ try factory($0) })
            return Observable<Observable<T>>
                .of(cancel, observableNormal)

    As a result, the request function will work this way:

    func request(timeout: TimeInterval, ...other params) -> Observable<...> {
        let cancel = observableTimeout(timeout: timeout, ...)
        let factory = ...// your observable factory which makes a request using Moya
        return Observable
            .just((), scheduler: ...)
            .flatMapLatest(cancel: cancel, factory: factory)