Over ssl/tls can a query string be logged as the request hops around the net before it gets to its endpoint. I know the endpoint can log the query string. I also know the endpoint server is trusted so I don't mind any logging there.
The way points of TCP traffic will see HTTPS data as cipher text that can't be decoded.
Logging at a TCP way point would require a MITM (man-in-the-middle) attack, which would require the user to be tricked into accepting a forged certificate (which is why browsers are becoming more strict about limiting click-through).
There are proxies that do SSL inspection (a.k.a SSL intercept), which are effectively doing just such a MITM--but such proxies generate the forged certificates with a CA certificate (Certificate Authority certificate) that is installed as a trusted CA certificate on the organization's clients (often by way of GPO policies).
So if you are in such an organization, you're requests are almost certainly logged (with more detail than just your query string [a.k.a path]), and you're content is being subjected to either malware protection (usually downstream) and/or DLP (Data Loss Prevention, usually to keep you're organization's sensitive information from being leaked).