There are a bitset b
and an array arr
. I would like to get the sum of the array by using the bitset, so that arr[i]
is summed only if b[i]
is set.
bitset<4> b("1001");
arr[4] = {5,4,3,1};
===> the sum would be 1+5 = 6.
Obviously, I could use a loop. But this kind of computation is repeated multiple times. Is there a more effective way without a loop ?
The fastest way would probably to iterate through a loop and add depending if the current bit is set.
Perhaps the use of bit shifting instead of accessing directly to bit n could avoid some hidden gymnastics by the standard library to extract a specific bit, but this is yet to be proven by benchmarking.:
int sum=0;
for (size_t i=b.size(); i; i--, b>>=1)
if (b[0])
For the completeness and the fun, if you could live with a vector<bool>
instead of a bitset<>
, you could just use the standard library:
vector<bool> b{1,0,0,1};
int arr[4] = {5,4,3,1};
int test=inner_product(begin(arr), end(arr), b.begin(), 0);
I experimented on godbolt online compiler with gcc 7.2 for x86-64 platform to look at the assembly produced by the different variants above.
The simplest solution, iterating trough the loop and conditionally adding the items is extremely fast:
immediately (see here).The bit shifting alternative is very close:
Of course, the inner_product
is much heavier, because it really makes a multiplication which require to convert the bools to ints, and it has to cope with a dynamic size for the bool vector.