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Pass a variable to the lognam in the hash table in Get-Winevent

I'm trying to change a function using Get-EventLogs to use Get-WinEvent. Ideally I would like to have one function I can run daily and simply change a few variables to scan different logs.

I have the basic code running, but when I turned it into a function I cannot pass a variable to the LogName in the hash table. I try different combinations of quotes, but no luck.

I get errors that the log doesn't exist with only "-" being in the error.

function Check-Eventlogs-v2 {
        #,[datetime] $date

    if ($Type -ne '') {
        $servers = Get-Content -LiteralPath "C:\temp\sql_servers3.txt"
        $Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)

        $log = foreach ($box in $servers) {
            Get-WinEvent -Computername $box -LogName = Application -FilterHashTable @{
                Logname   = $Type;
                level     = $eventtype;
                starttime = $Date
            } | Where-Object {
                ($_.Id -ne "2006" -and
                $_.Id -ne "1008" -and
                $_.Id -ne "12289" -and
                $_Logname -eq $Type)
            } | Select-Object @{n='HostName';e={($_.MachineName -split '\.')[0]}}, timecreated, id, message
    } else {
        Write-Warning "'$Type' is not a valid log type."
    return $log


  • Try this. Got rid of LogName from the filter, and put a ToString match. You also had a typo in the LogName reference in Where-Object.

    $log = foreach ($box in $servers) {
                Get-WinEvent -Computername $box -LogName = Application -FilterHashTable @{
                    level     = $eventtype;
                    starttime = $Date
                } | Where-Object {
                    ($_.Id -ne "2006" -and
                    $_.Id -ne "1008" -and
                    $_.Id -ne "12289" -and
                    $_.Logname.ToString() -eq $Type)
                } | Select-Object @{n='HostName';e={($_.MachineName -split '\.')[0]}}, timecreated, id, message