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Hack Type casting - No error emited

I'm learning about the Hack langage and I wanted to create a specific type like this one :

    type Points = array<array<int, int>>;

And then I defined that function :

    function printPoint(Points $point){
        var_dump($point[0], $point[1]);

When I pass this array as parameter : [0, 0], there no error emited and the output is :


And when I pass this one : [[0, 0], [0, 0]], and the output is like it should :

    array(2) {

    array(2) {

My problem here is : why does this work ? (I know it's not the usual question x) ). Why is there not a notice or even a fatal type error in the first test ?

Thanks ;)


  • At run time, generics are erased. This means that the runtime only knows that Points is an array, not what type of array.

    Instead, you want to use the type checker -- hh_client -- for this. With a file like:

    type Points = array<array<int, int>>;
    function printPoint(Points $point) {
      var_dump($point[0], $point[1]);
    function test(): void {
      printPoint([0, 0]);

    It gives the error you expect:

    test.php:10:14,14: Invalid argument (Typing[4110])
      test.php:3:21,25: This is an array (used like a hashtable)
      test.php:10:15,15: It is incompatible with an int