I'm trying to make a simple example using Distributed Objects with PyObjC. On the server side I have (in Xcode):
class VendedObject(NSObject):
def speak(self):
return 'woof'
class TalkAppDelegate(NSObject):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
NSLog("Application did finish launching.")
conn = NSConnection.defaultConnection()
NSLog("Creating connection")
obj = VendedObject.alloc().init()
print obj.description()
result = conn.registerName_("my_server")
if not result:
NSLog("Failed to register Name")
When I run it I get:
2011-01-27 10:27:55.695 Talk[34432:a0f] Application did finish launching.
2011-01-27 10:27:55.698 Talk[34432:a0f] Creating connection
<VendedObject: 0x3e45970>
2011-01-27 10:27:55.701 Talk[34432:a0f] (** NSConnection 0x28f2030 receivePort <NSMachPort: 0x28f2160> sendPort <NSMachPort: 0x28f2160> refCount 2 **)
On the client side I have:
class ListenAppDelegate(NSObject):
def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, sender):
NSLog("Application did finish launching.")
proxy_obj = NSConnection.rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName_host_(
"my_server", None)
if not proxy_obj:
print 'Did not get an object from the server.'
print proxy_obj.description()
print proxy_obj.speak()
I get:
2011-01-27 10:28:35.821 Listen[34460:a0f] Application did finish launching.
<VendedObject: 0x3e45970>
2011-01-27 10:28:35.829 Listen[34460:a0f] -[OC_PythonString initWithBytes:length:encoding:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3635130
2011-01-27 10:28:35.832 Listen[34460:a0f] -[OC_PythonString initWithBytes:length:encoding:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3635130
I'm missing something but don't know what?
EDIT: modified to use what I think is the correct signature, and show the new problem that arises. Thanks.
Answering my own question, sorry. It seems to be a problem with PyObjC. I rewrote the Server in Objective-C:
#import "VendAppDelegate.h"
@interface VendedObject:NSObject {}
-(NSString *) speak;
@implementation VendedObject
-(NSString *) speak {
return @"woof";
@implementation VendAppDelegate
@synthesize window;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool ;
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
VendedObject *obj;
obj = [[[VendedObject alloc ] init] autorelease];
NSLog(@"%@", [obj description]);
NSConnection *conn;
conn = [[[NSConnection alloc] init] autorelease];
[conn setRootObject:obj];
BOOL result;
result = [conn registerName:@"my_server"];
if (!result) {
NSLog(@"Failed to register Name");
else {
NSLog(@"%@", [conn description]);
[pool drain];
And run it with this output:
2011-01-27 11:45:14.252 Vend[36530:a0f] <VendedObject: 0x1001326f0>
2011-01-27 11:45:14.254 Vend[36530:a0f] (** NSConnection 0x1004527f0 receivePort <NSMachPort: 0x100452a80> sendPort <NSMachPort: 0x100452a80> refCount 1 **)
I do this from Python:
from Foundation import *
proxy_obj = NSConnection.rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName_host_(
"my_server", None)
if not proxy_obj:
print 'Did not get an object from the server.'
print proxy_obj.description()
print type(proxy_obj)
print proxy_obj.speak()
<VendedObject: 0x1001326f0>
<objective-c class NSDistantObject at 0x7fff70a64868>