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Reportlab header out of flowable Table

I'm trying to create a header that will go on each page in my PDF document that I'm generating with Reportlab. What I'm trying to achieve is to have a header that consists of a Table.

I have a method that creates the header like this:

    def make_header(self, canvas, doc):
    small_size = '8'
    big_size= '10'
    paragraphs = {}
    for key, name in (('doc_type', 'Document type'), ('owner', 'Owner'),
                      ('classification', 'Classification'),
                      ('document_nr', 'Document Number'),
                      ('date', 'Date'),
                      ('revision', 'Revision'),
                      ('title', 'Title')):
        t = self.header_info[key] if self.header_info[key] else ''
        paragraphs[key] = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, name), style=styles['Normal']),
                         Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, t), style=styles['Normal'])]

    im = self.scale_image("image.jpg", 10*cm)

    page = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, 'Page'), style=styles['Normal']),
            Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size,, style=styles['Normal'])]

    t = Table([[im, paragraphs['doc_type'], paragraphs['owner'], paragraphs['date']],
               ['', paragraphs['classification'], paragraphs['document_nr'], paragraphs['revision']],
               ['', paragraphs['title'],'', page]])

    t.setStyle([('SPAN', (0,0), (0,2)),
                ('SPAN', (1,2), (2,2)),
                ('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'CENTER'),
                ('VALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'MIDDLE'),
                ('VALIGN', (1,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP')])
    t.wrapOn(canvas, self.width-50, self.height)
    t.drawOn(canvas, *self.coord(10,10, mm))

And then doing the following:

def build(self):
    t = Paragraph('test', style=styles['Normal'])[t], onFirstPage=self.make_header)

The only thing that shows up in my document is the "test" string but not the header. I have tested by using a print in make_header function so I know that it gets called and run.

I can't find whats missing so please help me in the right direction.


  • Hi your question was a bit confused with missing elements. I think the problem is with your idea of how one should use wrapOn and drawOn. Here is my hacked version which at least does something; for more help and discussions of reportlab you can ask at the users list

    from reportlab.platypus import Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle
    from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
    from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
    from reportlab.lib import colors
    from reportlab.lib.units import inch
    styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
    class Test:
        header_info = dict(
        def make_header(self, canvas, doc):
            small_size = '8'
            big_size= '10'
            paragraphs = {}
            pageWidth, pageHeight = canvas._pagesize
            for key, name in (('doc_type', 'Document type'), ('owner', 'Owner'),
                              ('classification', 'Classification'),
                              ('document_nr', 'Document Number'),
                              ('date', 'Date'),
                              ('revision', 'Revision'),
                              ('title', 'Title')):
                t = self.header_info.get(key,'')
                paragraphs[key] = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, name), style=styles['Normal']),
                                 Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, t), style=styles['Normal'])]
            #im = self.scale_image("image.jpg", 10*cm)
            page = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, 'Page'), style=styles['Normal']),
                    Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size,, style=styles['Normal'])]
            t = Table([['im', paragraphs['doc_type'], paragraphs['owner'], paragraphs['date']],
                       ['', paragraphs['classification'], paragraphs['document_nr'], paragraphs['revision']],
                       ['', paragraphs['title'],'', page]],
                        style=[('SPAN', (0,0), (0,2)),
                        ('SPAN', (1,2), (2,2)),
                        ('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'CENTER'),
                        ('VALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'MIDDLE'),
                        ('VALIGN', (1,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'),
                        ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
                        ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2,,
            w,h = t.wrapOn(canvas, pageWidth-20, pageHeight-20)
            t.drawOn(canvas, 10, pageHeight-h-10)
        def __init__(self):
            self.doc = SimpleDocTemplate('stackoverflow-48184260.pdf')
        def build(self):
            t = Paragraph('test', style=styles['Normal'])
  [t], onFirstPage=self.make_header)
    if __name__=='__main__':
        test = Test()