I'm trying to create a header that will go on each page in my PDF document that I'm generating with Reportlab. What I'm trying to achieve is to have a header that consists of a Table.
I have a method that creates the header like this:
def make_header(self, canvas, doc):
small_size = '8'
big_size= '10'
paragraphs = {}
for key, name in (('doc_type', 'Document type'), ('owner', 'Owner'),
('classification', 'Classification'),
('document_nr', 'Document Number'),
('date', 'Date'),
('revision', 'Revision'),
('title', 'Title')):
t = self.header_info[key] if self.header_info[key] else ''
paragraphs[key] = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, name), style=styles['Normal']),
Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, t), style=styles['Normal'])]
im = self.scale_image("image.jpg", 10*cm)
page = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, 'Page'), style=styles['Normal']),
Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, doc.page), style=styles['Normal'])]
t = Table([[im, paragraphs['doc_type'], paragraphs['owner'], paragraphs['date']],
['', paragraphs['classification'], paragraphs['document_nr'], paragraphs['revision']],
['', paragraphs['title'],'', page]])
t.setStyle([('SPAN', (0,0), (0,2)),
('SPAN', (1,2), (2,2)),
('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'CENTER'),
('VALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'MIDDLE'),
('VALIGN', (1,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP')])
t.wrapOn(canvas, self.width-50, self.height)
t.drawOn(canvas, *self.coord(10,10, mm))
And then doing the following:
def build(self):
t = Paragraph('test', style=styles['Normal'])
self.doc.build([t], onFirstPage=self.make_header)
The only thing that shows up in my document is the "test" string but not the header. I have tested by using a print in make_header function so I know that it gets called and run.
I can't find whats missing so please help me in the right direction.
Hi your question was a bit confused with missing elements. I think the problem is with your idea of how one should use wrapOn and drawOn. Here is my hacked version which at least does something; for more help and discussions of reportlab you can ask at the users list https://pairlist2.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/reportlab-users
from reportlab.platypus import Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle
from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
class Test:
header_info = dict(
def make_header(self, canvas, doc):
small_size = '8'
big_size= '10'
paragraphs = {}
pageWidth, pageHeight = canvas._pagesize
for key, name in (('doc_type', 'Document type'), ('owner', 'Owner'),
('classification', 'Classification'),
('document_nr', 'Document Number'),
('date', 'Date'),
('revision', 'Revision'),
('title', 'Title')):
t = self.header_info.get(key,'')
paragraphs[key] = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, name), style=styles['Normal']),
Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, t), style=styles['Normal'])]
#im = self.scale_image("image.jpg", 10*cm)
page = [Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(small_size, 'Page'), style=styles['Normal']),
Paragraph('<font size={}>{}</font>'.format(big_size, doc.page), style=styles['Normal'])]
t = Table([['im', paragraphs['doc_type'], paragraphs['owner'], paragraphs['date']],
['', paragraphs['classification'], paragraphs['document_nr'], paragraphs['revision']],
['', paragraphs['title'],'', page]],
style=[('SPAN', (0,0), (0,2)),
('SPAN', (1,2), (2,2)),
('ALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'CENTER'),
('VALIGN', (0,0), (0,0), 'MIDDLE'),
('VALIGN', (1,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'),
('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, colors.black),
('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 2, colors.black),
w,h = t.wrapOn(canvas, pageWidth-20, pageHeight-20)
t.drawOn(canvas, 10, pageHeight-h-10)
def __init__(self):
self.doc = SimpleDocTemplate('stackoverflow-48184260.pdf')
def build(self):
t = Paragraph('test', style=styles['Normal'])
self.doc.build([t], onFirstPage=self.make_header)
if __name__=='__main__':
test = Test()