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Confused in choosing between Firebase JobDispatcher vs AlarmManager

I am creating a alarm like application where user can add a remainder for particular date and time, they can also choose repeat to repeat the remainder.

And I don't do any network specific job in remainder. But in future I may need to use the network specific job, but so far its not needed right now.

Which one is better for my requirement AlarmManager or Firebase JobDispatcher ?


  • Don't be confused. AlarmManager API has some significant flaws with accuracy (Setting a task to start at a particular time in future). It has been accepted by Google. When you try to use alarm manager, it shows a warning about it's inaccuracy. Go with FirebaseJobDispatcher. It was created to replace AlarmManager. This is what you need 99% of the times when you need to schedule some operation for some other time (or repeat at certain time interval)