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Getting JSONException?

I was trying to parse the below json and caught JSONException at line 150(marked in code) and I am unable to figure out why it happened. Objective is to find list of tests of a particular package and store it in an arraylist.

When I passed screen_package as second arguement then log message was : Value screen_package of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject. As per my understanding, we can pass String object in the constructor of JSONObject. Please correct me if I am wrong. Have a look

  "package_name": {
    "camera_package": {
      "RearCamera": {
        "test_name": "RearCamera",
        "test_type": "Mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "RearCamera",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "42"
      "FrontCamera": {
        "test_name": "FrontCamera",
        "test_type": "Mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "FrontCamera",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "43"
      "Flash": {
        "test_name": "Flash",
        "test_type": "Mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "Flash",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "1"
      "AutoFocus": {
        "test_name": "AutoFocus",
        "test_type": "Mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "AutoFocus",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "35"
      "VideoRecord": {
        "test_name": "VideoRecord",
        "test_type": "mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "VideoRecord",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "10"
      "FrontVideoRecorder": {
        "test_name": "FrontVideoRecorder",
        "test_type": "mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "FrontVideoRecorder",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "11"
    "screen_package": {
      "Screen": {
        "test_name": "Screen",
        "test_type": "Mandatory",
        "visibility": "true",
        "report_name": "Screen",
        "test_category": "manual",
        "order": "21"

Following is the java code :

public void parseJSON(String jsonName, String packageName) {
        try {
            JSONObject jsonRootObject = new JSONObject(jsonName);
            if (jsonRootObject != null && jsonRootObject.length() > 0) {
                Iterator<String> packageKeys = jsonRootObject.keys();
                if (packageKeys != null) {
                        String currentPackageKey =;
                        if(currentPackageKey!= null && currentPackageKey.length()>0 &&
                            JSONObject jsonPackageObject = new JSONObject(currentPackageKey);  //line 150
                            if(jsonPackageObject!=null && jsonPackageObject.length()>0) {
                                Iterator<String> testNameKeys = jsonPackageObject.keys();
                                    while(testNameKeys.hasNext()) {
                                        String currentTestNameKey =;
                                        if(currentTestNameKey!=null && currentTestNameKey.length()>0) {
                                            //do something

        } catch (JSONException e) {
            System.out.println("Exception caught : "+e.getLocalizedMessage());


  • JSONException indicates that some exception happened during JSON processing.

    You should use getJSONObject(String name).

    JSONObject getJSONObject (String name)

    Returns the value mapped by name if it exists and is a JSONObject, or throws otherwise

    Code Structure

     JSONObject screen_package = jsonobject.getJSONObject("screen_package");