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How to Handle IQKeyboardManager Done button action in toolbar?

I am new in ios I work on iqkeyboardmanager and I want to access Done button action in IQKeyboardManager.


  • You can handle clicks of done, next and previous button

    [textField.keyboardToolbar.previousBarButton setTarget:self action:@selector(previousAction:)];
    [textField.keyboardToolbar.nextBarButton setTarget:self action:@selector(nextAction:)];
    [textField.keyboardToolbar.doneBarButton setTarget:self action:@selector(doneAction:)];

    In swift:

    customField.keyboardToolbar.doneBarButton.setTarget(self, action: #selector(doneButtonClicked))
    func doneButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
            //your code when clicked on done