in my mvc application on Register Form when users are using barcode scanner to insert data to textbox ,they say that it misses some portion of code like if they scan 02501603566 they get 02501602566 or 01301103564 can be 01301403564 after register.can barcode misread some data? i tested on my barcode and everything works fine.customers have big amount of data so they cant check every time what they have scanned in input.this can happen 1 times in 100..
Yes its not only possible that a scanner misreads are barcode, it definitely happens. 1D barcodes are the worst, but also cheap readers and readers configured improperly for the type of barcode being read can also be a problem.
Misreads in the form of a perfectly scanning but wrong barcode can be caused by scanner number substitution
Somehow the printed barcode image is wrongly decoded by the scanner. A poor quality printed barcode can contribute to this, but barcode structure also contributes. UPC is notoriously vulnerable to number substitution of 1 and 7, and 2 and 8 characters
Low ISO Decodability scores can contribute to barcode misreads, especially when they are caused by pixel rounding in the print process
This is most common in a thermal or thermal transfer printing but it can also occur in ink jet, DOD and other digital printing systems
Scanners can also misread otherwise acceptable barcodes. Most often the cause can be traced to damaged or dirty optics, but faulty decode algorithms area known cause, albeit a rare one
Older, high-mileage scanners such as lasers tend to be more prone to misreads than newer, more sophisticated digital area imager scanners.
If a calibrated, ISO compliant verifier decodes and assigns an acceptable grade to a misreading barcode, one can be confident the cause lies with the scanner and not the barcode itself. This is yet another example of how a scanner cannot effectively serve as a verifier