I have 2 table [EmployeeInfo]
and I am storing salary of the employee in this table. I am able to get the salary of the employee against respective employee and stuff.
But I want to show employee's salary for every month like listed below.
My structure is for [EmployeeInfo]:
Create Table [EmployeeInfo]
EmpID Int,
Salary Int,
EmployementStatus Varchar(50),
HiringDate Date
My structure is for [EmployeeInfoHistory]:
Create Table [EmployeeInfoHistory]
EmpID Int,
NewSalary Int,
UpdatedEmployementStatus Varchar(50),
PromotionDate Date
Data for Info Table:
EmpID Salary Status HiringDate
1 20000 Intern 2017-10-02
2 30000 Jr. DBA 2017-11-01
Data for InfoHistory Table:
EmpID Salary UpdatedStatus PromotionDate
1 25000 Jr. DBA 2018-01-01
2 45000 Sr. DBA 2018-01-01
I want to list date in given format.
EmpID Month Salary Status
1 October 20k Intern
1 November 20k Intern
1 December 20k Intern
1 January 25k Jr. DBA
2 November 30k Jr. DBA
2 December 30k Jr. DBA
2 January 45k Sr. DBA
Thanks in advance
You need a table with dates. Here I've made a table using a CTE wich I join with your tables.
SELECT cast (Dateadd(year, -25, getdate()) AS date) as [Date]
SELECT dateadd(Month, 1, [Date])
WHERE Date < getdate()
Select EMP.EmpID, DateName(month, DS.[Date]) as [Month], isnull(HIS.NewSalary, EMP.Salary) as Salary, ISNULL(HIS.UpdatedStatus, EMP.EmployementStatus) as [Status]
from EmployeeInfo as EMP
inner join DS
on EMP.HiringDate <= DS.[Date]
left join EmployeeInfoHistory as HIS
on HIS.EmpId = EMP.EmpID and HIS.PromotionDate <= DS.[Date]
option(MaxRecursion 10000)