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Are there any MySQL tools available for modifying Stored Procedures using GUI (not manually by writing code)?

I want to know that is there MYSQL Tool available in which we can modify the existing Stored Procedures by using GUI. I do not want to write code manually in the Stored Procedure.


  • (My)SQL is a scripting language (well, actually a query language, but for the purpose of this answer that comes pretty close). It's all about writing text to create commands/queries. How can this be done using a GUI (other than providing a text editor)? I have seen visual query builders in the past and they all suffer from the language's complexity. Most of the time it's easier to see the written text than a graphical view of the query. And as soon as you enter the world of non-trivial queries such query builders will be lost.

    So, there's a reason that serious visual query builders are pretty uncommon among the popular MySQL GUI tools.