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case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq

I have a query about inductively defined relation eq in Coq. Consider the following definition of eq in Coq:

Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=  eq_refl : x = x

This is an inductively defined relation just like le (<=). Therefore I should be able to do case analysis on any evidence of this type. However, when I tried proving the following result I could not succeed.

Lemma true_num: forall m :nat, forall x y: m=m, x=y.
  Proof. intros. destruct x.

(// Error: Abstracting over the terms "m" and "x" leads to a term
fun (m0 : nat) (x0 : m0 = m0) => x0 = y
which is ill-typed.
Reason is: Illegal application: 
The term "@eq" of type "forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop"
cannot be applied to the terms
 "m0 = m0" : "Prop"
 "x0" : "m0 = m0"
 "y" : "m = m"
The 3rd term has type "m = m" which should be coercible to 
"m0 = m0". )  

I am unable to decode this error.

The only proof for m=m should be @eq_refl nat m since eq_refl is the only constructor. Hence one should be able to prove the equality of x and y by doing case analysis.

What is wrong with this line of reasoning?


  • The only proof for m=m should be @eq_refl nat m since eq_refl is the only constructor

    No. Your theorem happens to be true because you are talking about equality of nat, but your reasoning goes through just as well (or poorly) if you replace nat with Type, and replacing nat with Type makes the theorem unprovable.

    The issue is that the equality type family is freely generated by the reflexively proof. Therefore, since everything in Coq respects equality in the right way (this is the bit I'm a bit fuzzy on), to prove a property of all proofs of equality in a family (i.e. all proofs of x = y for some fixed x and for all y), it suffices to prove the property of the generator, the reflexively proof. However, once you fix both endpoints, so to speak, you no longer have this property. Said another way, the induction principle for eq is really an induction principle for { y | x = y }, not for x = y. Similarly, the induction principle for vectors (length-indexed lists) is really an induction principle for { n & Vector.t A n }.

    To decode the error messages, it might help to try manually applying the induction principle for eq. The induction principle states: given a type A, a term x : A, and a property P : forall y : A, x = y -> Prop, to prove P y e for any given y : A and any proof e : x = y, it suffices to prove P x eq_refl. (To see why this makes sense, consider the non dependent version: given a type A, a term x : A, and a property P : A -> Prop, for any y : A and any proof e : x = y, to prove P y, it suffices to prove P x.)

    If you try applying this by hand, you will find that there is no way to construct a well-typed function P when you are trying to induct over the second proof of equality.

    There is an excellent blog post that explains this in much more depth here: