I use google MATERIAL COMPONENTS FOR THE WEB and have problems with the "Simple Menu". Check my codepen: [Multiple menus per page?][1]
[1]: https://codepen.io/QJan84/pen/govRmg
The first menu works, the others do not. What do I have to do to have multiple menus per page?
You’re using document.querySelector
for menu and toggle, but it will return only the first node elements matching “.mdc-simple-menu” and “.js--toggle-dropdown” respectively.
Instead, you should use document.querySelectorAll
that will return the NodeList, which you’ll need to convert to array to iterate with its elements.
I wrapped your example menus and toggles into containers for selecting toggles easier with Node.parentElement.
So, the final result might look like this:
const menuEls = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.mdc-simple-menu'));
menuEls.forEach((menuEl) => {
// Initialize MDCSimpleMenu on each ".mdc-simple-menu"
const menu = new mdc.menu.MDCSimpleMenu(menuEl);
// We wrapped menu and toggle into containers for easier selecting the toggles
const dropdownToggle = menuEl.parentElement.querySelector('.js--dropdown-toggle');
dropdownToggle.addEventListener('click', () => {
menu.open = !menu.open;
You can view the demo on Codepen.