I would like to print an Abstract Syntax Tree in Haskell. Currently I can print the tree out line by line but what I would prefer is to indent it out for each block the parsed code is within.
Code to parse:
module test
foo x y
x + y
Here are my functions to create and print the AST.
Returns the tree.
parse :: String -> Either ParseError [Expr]
parse = runParser (many expr <* eof) () "[input]" . indentConfig
Prints the tree.
printTree :: String -> IO ()
printTree line = do
let res = parse line
case res of
Left err -> print err
Right ex -> mapM_ print ex
Current output:
Function "foo" ["x","y"] (FunctionCall "foo" [Variable "x",Variable "y"])
BinOp Plus (FunctionCall "x" []) (FunctionCall "y" [])
Desired output:
Function "foo" ["x","y"]
(FunctionCall "foo" [Variable "x",Variable "y"])
BinOp Plus (FunctionCall "x" []) (FunctionCall "y" [])
What is the best method of achieving this?
There are several packages on Hackage that lets you show such tree structures in an "indented" way. Previously, I used Iavor Diatchki's pretty-show
package, and it does a really good job. You might want to give that a try: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty-show