Using Phoenix framework now. At the beginning, we didn't use --umbrella
option to generate the project. So the structure is like a simple app of umbrella way.
Now want to change the project to the umbrella
way. Is it possible and how to do?
As of phoenix 1.3 and elixir 1.5:
Generate a fresh umbrella app in a separate directory:
$ mix new my_umbrella --umbrella
Move your phoenix application to the apps/
directory in the new umbrella directory:
$ mv /path/to/my_app /path/to/my_umbrella/apps/
Your build path, deps folder, and main config and mix files now live in the root of the umbrella. You'll need to add the following lines to your project
function in your phoenix mix.exs
to point to the right locations as below:
# my_umbrella/apps/my_app/mix.exs
def project do
# ...
build_path: "../../_build",
config_path: "../../config/config.exs",
deps_path: "../../deps",
lockfile: "../../mix.lock",
# ...
Refetch your dependencies from the root of the umbrella.
$ mix deps.get
Assuming you're using brunch, you'll also need to edit the assets/package.json
file in your phoenix app folder to point to the correct location for deps/
// my_umbrella/apps/my_app/assets/package.json
"phoenix": "file:../../../deps/phoenix",
"phoenix_html": "file:../../../deps/phoenix_html"
You may need to refresh the package-lock.json
file to re-run npm install
command if using a recent version of npm
From the root of the umbrella, you should be able to start your phoenix server.
$ mix phx.server