I'm working on a 3.75 million line text catalog of Authors names and titles in Editpad Pro. I need to standardize the authors initials to have periods after them.
The catalog has the authors name and book titles separated by a vertical bar "|" character, like this:
A N Author|A Title
A. N. Name|A Blah
Some A Name|Blah A Lot
A Name|Blah I
Name A|I Blah
B O'Name|A Book
Normally in Calibre I use this regex to standardize the initials
Replace:"\1. "
but here I need it to only work up to the vertical bar "|" character, and not make any changes to the titles. I cannot seem to get anything to work on all the above authors names without it also changing the titles.
Results I'm looking for:
A. N. Author|A Title
A. N. Name|A Blah
Some A. Name|Blah A Lot
A. Name|Blah I
Name A.|I Blah
B. O'Name|A Book
Add to your regex a positive lookahead:
It means: Somewhere later in the line there must be a |
It works as long as there is a single |
in the line, but your source
text sample meets this condition.
Single letters before it are matched, single letters after it aren't.