I have data that contains sets, for example (this is not my real data):
Name, Type, Colors
Pikachu, Electric, Red|Black|Yellow
Raichu, Electric, Brown
Meowth, Normal, Yellow|Brown
Togepi, Fairy, Yellow|White|Blue|Red
Eevee, Normal, Brown
My goal is to get a rule-set that determines the name based on the type and color.
I'm using Cell Splitter on the last column. I also have Domain Calculator to create discreet values for each column, because some of my columns may have more than 60 values.
Overall, my workflow looks like this:
The data looks OK:
Pikachu Electric [Red, Black, Yellow]
Raichu Electric [Brown]
Meowth Normal [Yellow, Brown]
Togepi Fairy [Yellow, White, Blue, Red]
Eevee Normal [Brown]
My problem is that I can't get the tree to use the Colors set values. My current output rules looks like this - note that the color is not used anywhere:
$Type$ = "Electric" AND TRUE Pikachu 2.0 1.0
$Type$ = "Normal" AND TRUE Meowth 2.0 1.0
$Type$ = "Fairy" AND TRUE Togepi 1.0 1.0
Is it even possible to use a set as part of the decision tree and ruleset? If so, how?
If you add an Ungroup
node between the Cell Splitter
and Domain Calculator
node then I think you get what you want. Using this, and recreating your workflow, I get the following rule set:
$Colors_SplitResultList$ = "Red" AND $Type$ = "Electric" => "Pikachu"
$Colors_SplitResultList$ = "Black" AND $Type$ = "Electric" => "Pikachu"
$Colors_SplitResultList$ = "Yellow" AND $Type$ = "Electric" => "Pikachu"
$Colors_SplitResultList$ = "Brown" AND $Type$ = "Electric" => "Raichu"
$Type$ = "Normal" AND TRUE => "Meowth"
$Type$ = "Fairy" AND TRUE => "Togepi"