I am a C# developer but want to explore blockchain especially ethereum.
Is it possible to write ethereum smart contracts in C#
How would I get started on it? I also explored pluralsight but nothing has been suggested on it. Any pointers are helpful
According to this ethereum.stackexchange.com answer, there are only three official languages to write smart contracts in. Solidity, Serpent and LLL(Lisp Like Language)
However, here is a an open source project to allow developers to build smart contrats in C#, EthSharp
And here is a Medium article discussing EthSharp, Ethereum Smart Contracts in C# - Introducing EthSharp
I went back and noticed that this project is deprecated
Here is a .NET library to interact with Ethereum blockchain, however I do not believe you can write smart contracts in C# using this library, Nethereum
Otherwise, Solidity seems to be the most popular language to write smart contracts in.