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RxSwift double mapping in tableView.rx.itemSelected

I want to get object from tableView.rx.itemSelected and after process it. This method return IndexPath, so I can map this value. But how to get object at index from the ViewModel?

struct ViewModel {
    var items: Observable<[Item]>

Approximate I expect something like this (but this flow is wrong):

        .map { indexPath -> Item in 
        return {$0[indexPath.row]}
        ..subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] item in
        //other actions with Item object
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)

I showed somewhere this possibility, but cant recollect it. Have you some idea how to do it?


  • If you need both indexPath and the model you could combine the 2 methods and transform them in only one observable sequence:

        .zip(tableView.rx.itemSelected, tableView.rx.modelSelected(String.self))
        .bind { [unowned self] indexPath, model in
            self.tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
            print("Selected " + model + " at \(indexPath)")
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)