I have 2 different table, one with the category ID and name and one with my employee information. An employee can have more category.
Example of table:
Category table:
IDCAT | Name
1 | Mechanic
2 ! Office
3 | Generic Mechanic
Employee table:
ID | Name | cat1 | cat2 | cat3
1 | Mechanic | 1 | 2 |
2 ! Office | 1 | 3 |
3 | Generic Mechanic | 1 | 2 | 3
I'd like to print a table like this with MySQL so I can print it in my PHP script:
ID | Name | cat1 | cat2 | cat3
1 | Mechanic | Mechanic | Office |
2 ! Office | Mechanic | Generic Mechanic |
3 | Generic Mechanic | Mechanic | Office | Generic Mechanic
I tried whit this query but id only print the first category name
SELECT * FROM 'Employee' INNER JOIN category on Employee.cat1 = category.idcat
Can I do something to have my result or should I change my table? Thanks
Employee AS e
LEFT JOIN Category as c1 ON e.cat1 = c1.ID
LEFT JOIN Category AS c2 ON e.cat2 = c2.ID
LEFT JOIN Category AS c3 ON e.cat3 = c3.ID
Note that your Employee table is structured poorly. Normally you would have a separate table to hold EmployeeID + CategoryID and add a foreign keys.
A many to many tutorial can be found here and should give you a better idea of how to structure your tables better.