I have a angular 2 component with a div bind to a click event:
<div #myDiv class="myClass"
on click I would like to run the code addAnnotation only if the key 'a' is pressed:
addAnnotation(event) {
if (the key 'a' is pressed) {
code to run
Do you know how to accomplish this?
I know there are keyboard events available on inputs but here I am asking if it is possible to detect which key is pressed when a mouse click occurs. The reason is that I would like to attach a dynamically created element in the point clicked only if the key 'a' is pressed.
Here is an example stackblitz
1/ you have to make your component focusable
@HostBinding('attr.tabIndex') tabIndex = -1;
and for prevent outline to ruin your ui you can add the css
:host { outline: none !important }
2/ then you can listen to keypress event to stock the current active key, and keyup to flush it.
3/ Then on click, you check the active key to see if the 'a' is pressed and run your code.