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ebay PHP SDK (unoffical) SetShipmentTracking Taking Sooo Long

So I'm using the unofficial ebay PHP SDK and updating shipment information works fine. However, it takes ages, literally about a minute and a half for the page to finally respond. After some debugging it seems the progress tracker is the issue. Every 5 / 6 seconds it checks the status, which is 'InProcess'. This gets checked around 11 times which amounts to over a minute. My question is, is it supposed to take that long to update tracking courier name and tracking number for one order?

This is the portion of code that gets the status

     $getJobStatusRequest = new BulkDataExchange\Types\GetJobStatusRequest();
     $getJobStatusRequest->jobId = $createUploadJobResponse->jobId;
     $done = false;
     while (!$done) {
         $getJobStatusResponse = $exchangeService->getJobStatus($getJobStatusRequest);
         if (isset($getJobStatusResponse->errorMessage)) {
             foreach ($getJobStatusResponse->errorMessage->error as $error) {
                     "%s: %s\n\n",
                     $error->severity === BulkDataExchange\Enums\ErrorSeverity::C_ERROR ? 'Error' : 'Warning',
         if ($getJobStatusResponse->ack !== 'Failure') {
             printf("Status is %s\n".' ** TIME: '.date('H:i:s').'. **', $getJobStatusResponse->jobProfile[0]->jobStatus);
             switch ($getJobStatusResponse->jobProfile[0]->jobStatus) {
                 case BulkDataExchange\Enums\JobStatus::C_COMPLETED:
                     $downloadFileReferenceId = $getJobStatusResponse->jobProfile[0]->fileReferenceId;
                     $done = true;
                 case BulkDataExchange\Enums\JobStatus::C_ABORTED:
                 case BulkDataExchange\Enums\JobStatus::C_FAILED:
                     $done = true;
         } else {
             $done = true;

Let me know if posting the whole script may be useful.

Thank you


  • There's something I don't understand. If you are updating just one order, why are you using BulkDataExchange? Why not just use the Trading\Types\CompleteSaleRequestType? There you can use

    $request->Shipment = new Trading\Types\ShipmentType();
    $data = new Trading\Types\ShipmentTrackingDetailsType();
    $data->ShipmentTrackingNumber = $track;
    $data->ShippingCarrierUsed = $carrier;
    $request->Shipment->ShipmentTrackingDetails = [$data];
    $response = $service->CompleteSale($request);

    and then you can check the ack to see if it was updated or not.

    if($response->Ack != 'Failure'){
        // Failed
    } else {
        // Updated. There might be warnings (The Ack would be Warning)

    That's what I am using to update the trackings to my orders, and it takes 1, maybe 2 seconds. One thing is very clear. Updating one order should not take that long...

    This is the entire call I use:

    $service = new TradingServices\TradingService([
            'credentials' => [
                    'appId'     => 'MY_APP_ID',
                    'devId'     => 'MY_DEV_ID',
                    'certId'    => 'MY_CERT_ID',
            'sandbox'   => false,
            'siteId'    => $siteId,
        $request = new TradingTypes\CompleteSaleRequestType();
        $request->RequesterCredentials = new TradingTypes\CustomSecurityHeaderType();
        $request->RequesterCredentials->eBayAuthToken = $token;
        $request->ItemID = $itemid;
        $request->Shipped = true;
        $request->TransactionID = $transid;
        if( (!empty( $track ) ) && !empty( $shipper ) ){
            $request->Shipment = new TradingTypes\ShipmentType();
            $data = new TradingTypes\ShipmentTrackingDetailsType();
            $data->ShipmentTrackingNumber = $track;
            $data->ShippingCarrierUsed = $shipper;
            $request->Shipment->ShipmentTrackingDetails = [$data];
        $response = $service->CompleteSale($request);