I am using apostrophe-images to insert an image in my page. When this widget is rendered, there is an header h4 with the title. I would like to remove it. Thanks
I have done this in the past with CSS:
.apos-slideshow h4 { display: none; }
However, you could extend the images widget and in the new template, extend the widget.html
{% extends 'widgetBase.html' %}
and then override the title block, putting in a conditional (I think this ought to be in the base one actually!):
{%- block title -%}{% if data.widget.hideTitle %}<h4>{{ image.title }}</h4>{% endif %}{%- endblock -%}
This will then let you specify in the your new widget to hide it, ie:
{{ apos.singleton(data.page, 'logoHeader', 'apostrophe-images', {
limit: 1,
minSize: [ 100, 100 ],
addLabel: 'Set header logo',
editLabel: 'Change header logo',
hideTitle: true,
controls: {
movable: false,
removable: false,
position: 'bottom-right'
... of course, the css way is quicker!