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Firebase database query like a twitter top tweets

Well I am using google github on firebase database. There are people comments if users like others comment, they can give a star (like). on the other hand I want to make a page which is showing only top comments which are upped. if I use this query:

Sample code is given below-:



    public class MyTopPostsFragment extends PostListFragment {

        public MyTopPostsFragment() {}

        public Query getQuery(DatabaseReference databaseReference) {
            // [START my_top_posts_query]
            // My top posts by number of stars
            String myUserId = getUid();
            Query myTopPostsQuery = databaseReference.child("user-posts").child(myUserId)
            // [END my_top_posts_query]

            return myTopPostsQuery;

it will return all times top comments. how specify such as top comments week or day. also there a timestamp in my datasnapshoot


  • Firebase Realtime Database does not support chained queries. So a query like this:


    Is forbidden. Calling an order-by method multiple times in the same query throws an error. You can only use one order-by method at a time.

    To solve this, you can create an extra key to make it possible. A "post" can have a combined key for starCount and timestamp. Your new key should look like this:


    Then you can query your database based on this new key.