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How am I supposed to manage db revisions alongside codebase revisions?

We have a Rails app with a PostgreSQL database. We use git for version control.

We're only two developers on the project, so we both have to do a little of everything, and when emergencies arise we often have to drop everything to address them.

We have a main branch (called staging just to be difficult 🌚) which we only use directly for quick fixes, minor copy changes, etc. For bigger features, we work on independent feature branches.

When I work on a feature that requires changes to the database, I naturally have to create migrations that alter the schema. Let's say I'm working on feature-emoji, and I create a migration 20150706101741_add_emoji_to_users.rb. I run rake db:migrate to get on with my work.

Later, I'm informed of some bug I need to address. I switch to staging to start work on it; however, now my app will misbehave because the db schema does not match what the app expects. So before doing git checkout staging, I have to remember to do rake db:rollback. And then later when I switch back to feature-emoji, I have to run rake db:migrate again.

This whole flow is sort of okay-ish when dealing with just two branches, but when the git rebases and git merges happen, it gets complicated.

Is there no better way to handle versioning of code and db in parallel? Or am I doomed to have to run annoying rake tasks every time I want to change branches?


  • There is no easy answer to this. You could perhaps set up something like a git hook to check for changes to schema.rb, and fail the checkout if any are present; but there are lots of edge cases to check for in such a setup.

    Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the human developer to restore untracked parts of their environment — e.g. the database — to a clean state before switching branches.