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The socialengine widget content in the new created module is not get appear in the front end

I created a new module using the tutotorial

Its working as fine.

later i created a widget in the new module using the tutorial.

The widget folder was not created during the module creation time. so i created folder for widgets. and also i added Controller.php and index.tpl files.

After i added the code mentioned in the tutorial to content.php file ,my new widget appeared on the admin side in layout editor. After i add my widget to page and save it, I don't see it's content on page.

I have added my file contents here. my module name is LoginPhonenumber and widget name is hione.



    return array(
   'title' => 'Hi One',
   'description' => 'hi123',
   'category' => 'Login Phonenumber',
   'type' => 'widget',
   'name' => 'login-phonenumber.hione',
   'requirements' => array(
 ) ?>



 class LoginPhonenumber_Widget_HioneController extends 
  public function indexAction()
   echo "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";


<?php echo "Welcome";?>

Can anyone tell me where is the problem.


  • I suggest you to change your module's name: none of core modules uses kind of naming similar to login-phonenumber. All modules are named as one single word:

    enter image description here

    As you can see, even if module name contains more than one word, they're named as a single word, without dashes. In case if you'll use module with dash inside you'll most probably receive next warning:

    WARN (4): exception 'Engine_Content_Exception' with message 'Widget's module is not enabled or not installed: "login-phonenumber"'

    which allows us to understand that SocialEngine can't identify a module with such name, even if its name in database as login-phonenumber.