I am using Azure Service Bus to implement message communication between separate bounded contexts. I am curious about what techniques people use to ensure that domain events raised in one bc are guaranteed to be received by another consuming bc.
For example, say the "orders" bc raises an "orderPlaced" event, how can I ensure that this event is received by a "shipping" bc. I understand that 2 phase commit is not advisable in cloud, so what is the alternative? How do I mitigate against the order being placed, but the message failing to be sent to the service bus in the event of a network failure?
Thoughts would be welcomed. Thanks.
If you send a BrokeredMessage to a Service Bus Queue and receive an acknowledgement, the message has been successfully stored in the queue. You don't have to worry about the message dying in transit due to a network error after you've been told it is persisted.
What you can worry about is a Service Bus Queue falling offline for a period of time and being unavailable. During an outage, your orderPlaced message wouldn't be able to get into the queue in the first place, and your shipping logic wouldn't be able to receive orders that are already persisted in your queue.
Note that Service Bus Queue outages are transient and the Queue recovers and returns to normal service. At that time, your shipping app could drain the queue of existing messages, and your ordering app could once again insert orderPlaced messages. I don't actually recall the last time I've seen one of my Service Bus Queues go down - it's a rare event.
If you are super-concerned about never ever ever EVER dropping a message, look at paired namespaces. Basically, this allows for failover to standby queues so that you can insert messages while your primary is down. Automatic detection checks to see when your primary queue comes back online. And a siphon process sucks messages that were inserted into the failover queue during the outage back into the primary once the primary comes back online.
Edit: When sending, there is still the chance that even though you had a valid Service Bus Queue connection in your QueueClient or MessagingFactory, the underlying Service Bus Queue just went down like a glass-jawed prizefighter. The vast majority of the time, these errors are transient. To handle them, set the RetryPolicy property of your MessagingFactory or QueueClient. Off the top of my head, I think that the only policy currently available is the RetryExponential policy. This will perform a back-off that will retry sending the message until the specified number of attempts are exhausted. This is the easy-peasy way to handle transient errors that pop up in your Service Bus Queue connection.