I am trying to using Marshmallow to load nested keys from a dictionary, but I cannot figure out how to do so.
For example, I have a field 'price'
which maps to the incoming dictionary's value dictionary['price']['value']
. I cannot find a built-in way that Marshmallow supports this, so I tried using a pre_load
processor to flatten the dictionary. However, I am unable to get this to work. My example unit test fails with this error for all nested keys:
Is not a valid string
Any ideas?
import unittest
class ResultSchema(Schema):
title = fields.String()
description = fields.String()
brand = fields.String(load_from='brand__name')
price = fields.String(load_from='price__value')
url = fields.String(load_from='url__value')
def flatten_fields(self, data):
keys = [('brand', 'name'), ('price', 'value'), ('url', 'value')]
for outer, inner in keys:
data[outer + '__' + inner] = data[outer][inner]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return data
class SchemaTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.resultSchema = ResultSchema()
self.expected = {
'title': 'fake title',
'description': 'fake description',
'brand': {'name': 'fake brand name'},
'price': {'value': '$82.99', 'integral': 8299},
'url': {'value': 'fake url'},
'images': [
{'value': 'small url', 'xsize': 60, 'ysize': 60},
{'value': 'small-medium url', 'xsize': 100, 'ysize': 100},
{'value': 'medium-large url', 'xsize': 160, 'ysize': 160},
{'value': 'large url', 'xsize': 400, 'ysize': 400}
def test_schema_load(self):
loaded, err = self.resultSchema.load(self.expected)
if err:
Key name assigned with load_from
argument kicks in when the field’s name is not found on the input, your method will work if original key get removed:
data[outer + '__' + inner] = data[outer][inner]
del data[outer]
but, why not change the value of the nested field directly, then load_from=...
become unnecessary:
data[outer] = data[outer][inner]