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Playblast query compression

I'm working on a custom playblast tool for Maya and I'm running into a little problem on how to query the available compressions for each format to perform the playblast.

I can use:

import pymel.core as pm

availableFormats = pm.playblast(query = True, format = True)
print availableFormats 

The result I get is ['qt','avi','image']. That is fine but now I need the compression options.

When I use

import pymel.core as pm

availableCompressions = pm.playblast(query = True, compression= True)
print availableCompressions 

I get:

[u'Codec IYUV', u'MS-RLE', u'MS-CRAM', u'MS-YUV', u'Toshiba YUV411', u'TSCC', u'TSC2', u'none']

Which are the compressions options for the 'avi' format.

So, question:

How can I query the compressions for a specific format?

I tried passing:

pm.playblast(query = True, format = 'qt', compression  = True)

but it does not work, because, of course, query flag only permits booleans...


  • It seems to be a python binding bug. Doing in Mel :

    whatIs changePlayblastFormat;
    // Result: Mel procedure found in: /path/mayaxxxx/scripts/others/performPlayblast.mel //

    you can find that they query the encoding formats like this :

    string $selectedFormat = `optionMenuGrp -q -value playblastFormatWidget`;
    string $lEncodings[]   = `playblast -format $selectedFormat -q -compression`;

    So my suggestion would be be to use a mel eval for this case :

    pm.mel.eval('playblast -format "{0}" -q -compression;'.format('qt'))