I have this code:
<style amp-custom>
.plus, .mius {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
.plus {background-color: blue;}
.mius {background-color: green;}
<amp-state id="text">
<script type="application/json">
"textspan1": "plus"
<p [text]="text.textspan1=='plus'?'mius':'plus'"
[class]="text.textspan1=='plus'?'mius':'plus'" class="plus"></p>
<button on="tap:AMP.setState({textspan1: (textspan1 == 'plus' ? 'mius' :
I want to change the state of
when the button is clicked but it happens one time. I mean, if i click once the
the color is changed but when i click second time the color is not changed.
Do you have any idea to change the color all the time when the button is clicked?
I found the solution. Just remove the object 'text' on p tag. See below:
<p [text]="textspan1=='plus'?'mius':'plus'"
[class]="textspan1=='plus'?'mius':'plus'" class="plus"></p>