Please update the title if you can think of a good one !
I have a data of the following structure:
chr pos A_block A_val
2 05 7 A,T,C
2 11 7 T,C,G
2 15 7 AT,C,G
2 21 7 C,A,GT
2 31 7 T,C,CA
2 42 9 T,C,G
2 55 9 C,G,GC
2 61 9 A,GC,T
2 05 12 AC,TG,G
2 11 12 A,TC,TG
Expected output: For the sake of learning I just want to rewrite the output file, same as the input file, but using the process I propose below.
I want to: step 01:
read the values only for two consecutive blocks at a time (first 7 & 9) -> step 02:
store that data in a dictionary with block numbers
as main unique key -> step 03:
return that dictionary to the predefined function for parsing. -> Now, read blocks (9 & 12) -> repeat the same process until end.
I am thinking something like:
import req_packages
from collections import defaultdict
''' make a function that takes data from two blocks at a time '''
def parse_two_blocks(someData):
for key, vals in someData:
do ... something
write the obtained output
clear memory # to prevent memory buildup
''' Now, read the input file'''
with open('HaploBlock_toy.txt') as HaploBlocks:
header = HaploBlocks.readline()
# only reads the first line as header
''' create a empty dict or default dict. Which ever is better?'''
Hap_Dict = {}
Hap_Dict = defaultdict(list)
''' for rest of the lines '''
for lines in HaploBlocks:
values = lines.strip('\n').split('\t')
''' append the data to the dict for unique keys on the for loop, until the number of unique keys is 2 '''
Block = values[2]
do something to count the number of keys - how?
if keys_count > 2:
return parse_two_blocks(Hap_Dict)
elif keys_count < 2 or no new keys: # This one is odd and won't work I know.
end the program
So, when the code is executed it will read data from block 7 and 9, until dictionary is filled and returned to the pre-defined function. When parsing is done, it now can just retain the data from latter block of the previous parse. That way it will only have to read the remaining block.
Expected output: The main problem for me now is to be able to read two blocks at a time. I don't want to add intrinsic details of how I want to parse information in `parse_two_blocks(someData)' - this is just another problem. But, lets try to rewrite the output same as input.
Parse the input into an on-the-fly list (a generator) of blocks. Iterate over the pairs. It should all be done as you evaluate the pairs. That is, none of those lines should ever read or store the whole csv file at once.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
data = """chr pos A_block A_val
2 05 7 A,T,C
2 11 7 T,C,G
2 15 7 AT,C,G
2 21 7 C,A,GT
2 31 7 T,C,CA
2 42 9 T,C,G
2 55 9 C,G,GC
2 61 9 A,GC,T
2 05 12 AC,TG,G
2 11 12 A,TC,TG"""
import csv
import io
import itertools
import collections
import operator
from pprint import pprint
def pairwise(iterable):
"s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
def one():
# read rows as tuples of values
c = csv.reader(io.StringIO(data), dialect=csv.excel_tab)
# read header row
keys = next(c)
block_index = keys.index('A_block')
# group rows by block numbers
blocks = itertools.groupby(c, key=operator.itemgetter(block_index))
# extract just the row values for each block
row_values = (tuple(v) for k, v in blocks)
# rearrange the values by column
unzipped_values = (zip(*v) for v in row_values)
# create a dictionary for each block
dict_blocks = (dict(zip(keys, v)) for v in unzipped_values)
yield from pairwise(dict_blocks)
def two():
c = csv.DictReader(io.StringIO(data), dialect=csv.excel_tab)
blocks = itertools.groupby(c, key=lambda x: x['A_block'])
yield from pairwise((k, list(v)) for k, v in blocks)
for a, b in one():
Output (of one
{'A_block': ('7', '7', '7', '7', '7'),
'A_val': ('A,T,C', 'T,C,G', 'AT,C,G', 'C,A,GT', 'T,C,CA'),
'chr': ('2', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
'pos': ('05', '11', '15', '21', '31')}
{'A_block': ('9', '9', '9'),
'A_val': ('T,C,G', 'C,G,GC', 'A,GC,T'),
'chr': ('2', '2', '2'),
'pos': ('42', '55', '61')}
{'A_block': ('9', '9', '9'),
'A_val': ('T,C,G', 'C,G,GC', 'A,GC,T'),
'chr': ('2', '2', '2'),
'pos': ('42', '55', '61')}
{'A_block': ('12', '12'),
'A_val': ('AC,TG,G', 'A,TC,TG'),
'chr': ('2', '2'),
'pos': ('05', '11')}
Take a string and return a file-like object that contains the contents of string.
csv.DictReader(file_object, dialect)
from the csv module
Returns an ordered dict for each row where the field names taken from the very first row are used as dictionary keys for the field values.
groupby(iterable, key_function)
Make an iterator that returns consecutive keys and groups from the iterable. The key is a function computing a key value for each element.
lambda x: x['A_block']
A temporary function that takes an input named
and returns the value for the key'A_block'
(k, list(v)) for k, v in blocks
returns an iterator (that can only be used once) for the values. This converts that iterator to a list.
"s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."