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Dragonfly installation issues with Windows speech recognition

I want to do speech recognition using Dragonfly with Windows Speech Recognition on windows 10 but the issue is it always displays the errors.I am stuck to in since days. This is all I have been trying to do:

  1. First I downloaded python 2.7.6.msi, then installed pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe, then wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-
  2. Then I added its path to system variables
  3. Then I downloaded dragonfly 0.6.5 from 2 links so that either works because first one didnt work but unfortunately it didn't too.As I try running its file through command line, it says:

    error: could not create 'dragonfly.egg-info': Access is denied

    As I try running its dfly loader file on IDLE 3.5 (since I have that installed, hope that's not an issue), it says:

    invalid syntax on this first line;
      **except Exception, e**:
            self._log.error("%s: Error loading module: %s" % (self, e))
            self._loaded = False

    while in other programs, it says no module named 'win32gui'. I also tried working on different Python versions but no progress.


  • try using lib2to3 to convert the dragonfly source codes, this will solve the latter problem, i.e. except Exception, e. Python3 code should render as except Exception as e