I am using alfresco and trying to execute these queries,
These are my queries.
1st query is working properly but 2nd query is not able to parse
Exception : Cannot parse '+PATH:"/app:company_home/st:swsdp/cm:/cm:dataLists/cm:9787a75b-cbc9-4d42-b76c-df88461e62c6//*" AND +TYPE:"fdm:formDatalist"': Failed to parse XPath... Unexpected '9787'
I tried by escaping but still getting same.
I noticed that in 1st query cm:aea88103-517e-4aa0-a3be-de258d0e6465 starts with latter but in 2nd query cm:9787a75b-cbc9-4d42-b76c-df88461e62c6 this contains numbers in starting so that it's not able to parse.
Please solve this error.
Certain characters need to be encoded in hexa for lucene PATH queries.
You need to encode your path this way :
var rawString = "//test:123 DIR/FILE.TXT @";
=> rawString: //test:123 DIR/FILE.TXT @
var encodedString = search.ISO9075Encode(rawString);
=> encodedString: _x002f__x002f_test_x003a_123_x0020_DIR_x002f_FILE.TXT_x0020__x0040_
var decodedString = search.ISO9075Decode(encodedString);
=> decodedString: //test:123 DIR/FILE.TXT @
See alfresco documentation for more information : http://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/references/API-JS-iso9075Encode.html