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Keyboard shortcut to switch between keybindings in Intellij

I'm a long time Emacs user who recently started developing with Intellij IDEA. I've installed the Emacs+ plugin to get some keyboard shortcuts. However the experience is not optimal as some bindings clash with the ones from Intellij.

Is there a possibility the switch between bindings on the fly ?

Say I'm editing a Java file with Emacs+ bindings and I would like to go to the declaration of the method on the current cursor position:

With the keyboard shortcut available, here is the setup:

  1. I would first switch to Intellij default bindings (using the shortcut in question) and then press Ctrl + B
  2. Go back to Emacs+ bindings to continue editing


  • You can use View > Quick Switch Scheme ... to switch key mapping bindings.

    Here are some screenshots showing this:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here