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Pack/Import a local developed module into a project

I am trying to import a locally developed Angular project/module into an angular application without publishing it into npm repository.

First, I followed this tutorial to build my module in UMD format (I skipped the publish part):

Then, I tried to install my module in the final application by executing this command line:

npm install ../path-to-my-module --save

This added successfully my module as @myscope/myModule in the package.json of my application, but the problem is that the import of the module in the application isn't recognized. I ended up by getting the following error:

Cannot find module @myscope/myModule

In my node_modules, the folder @myscope is created, and inside it, there is a shortcut to ../path-to-my-module with the name myModule

Could the fact that there is a shortcut be the source of the problem? and if so how to fix it?


  • I found this article that helped me to solve my problem:

    To give a brief summary, this is how I proceeded:

    1. Install ng-packagr:
      • Install it globally:
        npm install -g ng-packagr
      • Install it in the project module:
        npm install ng-packagr --save-dev
    2. create ng-package.json in the root folder of the project, and add the following:
        "$schema": "./node_modules/ng-packagr/ng-package.schema.json",
        "lib": {
          "entryFile": "public_api.ts"   
          "externals": {
            "@angular/cdk": "ng.cdk",
            "@angular/cdk/accordion": "ng.cdk.accordion",

    In my case I had to add external dependencies in order to avoid packaging/build errors:

    1. create public_api.ts in the root folder of the project, and add the following:

      export * from './src/app/modules/myFeature/my-feature.module'

    2. Edit package.json, and add the packagr line to the scripts tag:

    "scripts": {
      "packagr": "ng-packagr -p ng-package.json"

    1. Create the package by running the following command from the root folder:

      npm run packagr

    2. Install it for local development:

      • Pack the module by running the following command from the dist folder:
        npm pack
      • Install the packed module from the final project:
        npm install ../some-relative-path/dist/my-component-library-0.0.0.tgz

    Then I could import my module from any other module or component of my final project