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CAPL Canoe wait for a specific can message

I'm currently trying to Test Auto-Generated-Code for a Controller.

The test will be done in CANoe with Capl.

I've already tried a lot of things out and it's working good, but now I want to test a "message lost".

I need something like this.

CAN 1 is sending a test message 10 Times. 3 Times there will be a Message lost.

CAN 2 which is receiving the Signals has to react to this with a specific value.

I Need something like WaitForMessage(int aTimeOut, Message yourMessage) which gives for example 0 for succesfully accessing the Message or -1 for timeOut.

    on timer sendMessage
    if(anzahlAnBotschaften > 0) // amount of sent Messages
      if(anzahlAnBotschaften % 3 == 0) // 3 times message lost
        botschaftWirdGesendet = 0;  
        lRet = ???? here is the part where i want to wait for a an answer from CAN2 
        if(lRet != 0)
          TestStepPass("010.1", "SNA was triggered");
          TestStepFail("010.1", "Timeout was triggered, but no SNA was found");
        botschaftWirdGesendet = 1;
        lRet = TestGetWaitEventMsgData(receivingCan_aMessage);
        if(lRet == 0) 
          // same for the positive case
      anzahlAnBotschaften -- ;


  • What's the Problem? Just use CAPL-function testWaitForMessage as described in help.

    You are using Test-Node as there is TestStepFail/Pass call in your code, so everything you need in terms of control your test-sequence begins with test...

    p.s. something else, I doubt that with this code you can detect what is described in comment

    if(anzahlAnBotschaften % 3 == 0) // 3 times message lost

    anzahlAnBotschaften = in german this means the count of received messages. So when, as described above, you will receive 7 from 10 messages (anzahlAnBotschaften == 7) than this condition is false.