I'm new to alexa. I learnt and started to build a weather app.
right now I'm able to get weather data, but on the below condition,
I've craeated a custom slot(LIST_OF_CITIES) to hold Cities as below.
"intents": [
"intent": "WeatherIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "city",
"type": "LIST_OF_CITIES"
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
and in my custom slot I gave as below.
Type Values
LIST_OF_CITIES Hyderabad | pune | london
and below are my Utterances
WeatherIntent give me {city} climate
WeatherIntent {city}
WeatherIntent what's the climate in {city}
WeatherIntent what's the weather in {city}
WeatherIntent {city}
when I run my program using any of the three cities mentioned in the above table, I'm able to get the correct. If I use anything apart from the above, it is sending back value as -4.
If I want to get tempreature of some other city, I need to add that city in the slot list.
Please let me know how can I get the vaues dynamically, I mean with out depending on the LIST_OF_CITIES, If I enter a city name, it should send back the result.
Also I tried adding type as LITERAL and also as AMAZON.LITERAL. When I saved it, I get the exception as
Error: There was a problem with your request: Unknown slot name '{city}'. Occurred in sample 'WeatherIntent get me weather of {city}' on line 1.
Please let me know where am I going wrong and how can I fix this.
Amazon provides some default list Slot Types for cities or even regions. E.g.
You can use these as type when defining your custom slot.