I have nn to be trained and tested on images . I know that when I want to train nn on Image I should extract features . According to this can I consider Iris dataset which is supplied on https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/iris as an image dataset with extracted features and train nn on it ?? in other words can any body say to me "no you didn't train your nn on images"
thanks for help
When you want to train your neural network, you have to:
So, if you look at number two, you can see that Iris dataset it's not an image dataset. However it has a number of features that you can use to train your neural network.
So the question is: Which features do you want to extract from your images in order to train your neural network?
If the answer is: the features already extracted in the Iris dataset (number of sepals, sepal width, etc.), then you can proceed to train your neural network.
If the answer is: I want to extract features directly on images, then you have to study this step.